Bespoke due diligence
Stories matter. Whether the story is the popular perception of a CEO’s capabilities or a new product driving up share prices, markets are regularly shaped by the narratives we tell ourselves and others.
Find the right story and you will gather critical information that can drive better investment decisions. Put your faith in the wrong story and you could build an investment thesis on shaky foundations. How do you know you are accessing high-quality insights?
Blue Heron Research Partners is an independent investment research firm that offers investigative due diligence. We combine primary interviews and comprehensive public records searches to enhance the standard investment research process. With our journalistic background, we elicit insights that conventional data and analysis simply cannot convey. Our experienced researchers have candid conversations with well-placed sources, from the corner office to the factory floor, giving our clients firsthand perspectives you can’t always get from an expert network.
Insights that Blue Heron can access through our ethically and responsibly sourced research include:
Does the C-suite have the leadership, operational and financial skills to deliver long-term success?
Can stakeholders trust that the leadership team can execute a new strategy?
Does a newly appointed CEO present any red or yellow flags in terms of honesty or integrity that could make them a potential liability?
How “sticky” is a particular product? Would customers face major challenges if they switched to another vendor?
How can investors be sure that the companies they finance are keeping their ESG promises?
Our services