Management Insights Library

Blue Heron Management Insights feature hundreds of in-depth reports on the cultures and businesses of public and private companies.
Management Insights are available for one-off purchase or via a subscription to our on-demand library.
Think of these reports as unbiased primers on companies and managers you may want to then investigate further, either with additional interviews or an exhaustive public records search.
Recent Management Insights
Shell Global
Wael Sawan, a 26-year Shell veteran with extensive international experience, became CEO of the world’s fifth-largest oil company in January 2023. We interviewed 10 colleagues from Shell to learn about his track record and priorities, as well as the reasons he was chosen for the top position.
Our discussions with former executives and customers explore the unique position Intel is in as the only US-headquartered semiconductor supplier of scale, as well as whether Intel will be able to deliver on its roadmap, given persistently poor product design and development methodology.
In light of OpenAI’s shift away from its nonprofit origins and the new partnership with Microsoft, we spoke with former employees to discuss the impact to the company culture, market position, and the risk regulators pose.
Following a series of scandals in 2017, Uber appointed Dara Khosrowshahi as CEO. We spoke with former senior executives to discuss the role Khosrowshahi had in overhauling the culture and reputation of Uber, and whether Uber will become a profitable business under his leadership.
In CEO Adam Selipsky’s second year of leadership, we set out to explore the reasons for falling revenues and areas where Selipsky might be making an impact, including processes and product go-to-market, the pace of innovation, and the pursuit of AI/ML opportunities.
Speaking with former senior executives, we conducted interviews focused on CEO Frank Slootman and his senior management team’s leadership skills, strategic vision, and corporate culture.
One of the most controversial names in biotech, Biogen has been on a roller coaster with its Alzheimer's drug approval and rejection. But its pipeline still has promise, and we spoke to former employees about new CEO Chris Viehbacher’s ability to handle the turnaround task.
Former Palantir employees provided insight into how the company’s unique culture and management team have positioned Palantir well to help companies harness their data for improved performance and results by deploying LLMs and AI.
Consumer goods giant Unilever went outside its ranks for its new CEO Hein Schumacher in July 2023. Schumacher is a longtime consumer goods executive who had joined the Unilever board in October 2022, and we sought to determine how he would focus on profitability and capital allocation.
After the passing of longtime president Satoru Iwata, Nintendo made moves that surprised investors including the appointment of Shuntaro Furukawa as president in 2018. We spoke with Nintendo formers to discuss the impact this decision had on the internal dynamics of the Kyoto-based company.